Natasha’s main interest areas include;
Eating disorders
Chronic and/or terminal illnesses
Suicide prevention
Clinical Psychology
Natasha has had extensive experience working with individuals with a range of eating disorder presentations and worked across inpatient, day program and outpatient services. Natasha also provides treatment for other difficulties including trauma, anxiety, depression, and adjustment difficulties including chronic health conditions. Please note that Natasha works with adult clients only.
Natasha continues to cultivate interests in research. She has been involved in a number of research projects across human factors, psycho-oncology and clinical psychology. Natasha has been involved in research over the past 10 years and has published in the eating disorder field and conducted peer reviews.
Natasha is a board-approved supervisor with the Psychology Board of Australia. Natasha has had over 10 years experience in delivering individual and group supervision to a range of health professionals.
My Approach
Natasha respects the uniqueness of each individual and utilises evidence-based treatments including but not limited to Schema Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy as appropriate for the differing needs and difficulties of each person. Natasha is especially passionate about schema therapy and delivered a Schema Therapy group for several years as part of a day program.